Die Inka verwendeten Quipus, Systeme aufgereihter Knoten, zum Speichern und Abrechnen von Information.
Eine neue Studie
gibt ein wenig Aufschluß über die Organisation dieser Quipus:
"Urton says the khipus that he analyzed, which were organized in a three-tier hierarchy, show how census and tribute data were assembled and transferred among different levels of authority within the Inca administrative system.
The khipus on the lowest level of the hierarchy may have represented contact between the khipu keeper and local laborers. While the top level probably represented contact between the palace of Puruchuco and a central authority. "
Interessant auch, daß viele Quipus wohl bis zu 256 Zustände (2 hoch 8) enthalten.

mehr zu ethnomatematik
Eine neue Studie
gibt ein wenig Aufschluß über die Organisation dieser Quipus:
"Urton says the khipus that he analyzed, which were organized in a three-tier hierarchy, show how census and tribute data were assembled and transferred among different levels of authority within the Inca administrative system.
The khipus on the lowest level of the hierarchy may have represented contact between the khipu keeper and local laborers. While the top level probably represented contact between the palace of Puruchuco and a central authority. "
Interessant auch, daß viele Quipus wohl bis zu 256 Zustände (2 hoch 8) enthalten.

mehr zu ethnomatematik
NooPed - 28. Okt, 01:10