"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there."
- Rumi
NooPed - 10. Dez, 22:47
Einst saßen am Ufer des Indus
3 alte, langbärtige Hindus.
Die stritten sich lange
über die Frage, die bange,
seid ichs, sind ihrs oder bin dus.
NooPed - 13. Mai, 00:16

A web of glass spans the globe. Through it, brief sparks of light incessantly fly, linking machines chip to chip, and people face to face.
Cerf, V. (1991): Networks. Scientific American. special issue on communications, computers, and networks, Vol. 265, No. 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 72-81.
NooPed - 21. Mär, 12:55
There should be a blog about the life-cycle of trends. Based on the hypothesis that all what is new will soon be old and the people soon will be oversaturated it should deconstruct all the new IT-buzzes.
Web2.0. hum. A paradigm, but what was meant besides multimedia? Community building? Yes, interesting. But how many communities have been "built" in the last years containing nothing except some bits. Real communities cannot be built, only fostered and constrained, they emerge.
While building virtual communities for the sake of profit, real communities may be destroyed and prevented to grow. Yesterday, the barber shop over the street was closed because all the money is somewhere else.
Maybe they built virtual communities with it. Being so virtual that all that lasts is a pile of metal, programmed to make fancy pictures, spin users into an illusion of community and need a lot of electricity while nobody feels a real community any more. We need to understand that the good ol' times of the net are no more existent, many communities are a product and feel like one.
As soon as something new, something more important, something more natural, can act as a new focus for the money-streams, subsequently being destroyed by them and converted into a we-are-all-very-happy-colored-supermarket.
NooPed - 27. Mär, 11:18
After all that buzz about MMORPGS, it may now seriously be time for
NooPed - 18. Jul, 00:18