Poesie und Literatur

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008

Spiders and Cubes

Taken from the webcomic at www.xkcd.com


Sonntag, 8. Juni 2008

A tribute to McLuhan

Finnegans Wakes McLuhan
Cliche 2 McLuhan
With-it Tribal Dance
All the whirled's a stage
Cowboy of the electric age
The medium is the message
Why the medium is the message
Another movie explaining media
Learning is conquest

Freitag, 3. November 2006

Outer Limits

Modern Mythology:

From "Outer Limits"


first broadcast July, 14th of 2000

When Scott Bowman gets an urgent message from his brother Peter, he decides to drive back to their hometown of Halford, Washington to see what is wrong. When he gets there, he discovers that Peter is dead and his wife Eilleen has been charged with his murder. But that's not the only shock awaiting Scott. The town where he grew up has been transformed. Antenna towers dot the landscape and the people act strangely, as if they are under some kind of sporadic mind control. Scott goes to the jail to visit Eileen, where she warns him about the towers - just moments before grabbing the Sheriff's gun and killing herself. This turn of events convinces Scott that he needs to investigate further. He meets with a former colleague of Peter's, Dr. Jim Holbrook, who seems friendly, but doesn't give Scott any information. Scott doesn't know where to turn next, when out of the blue, one of Peter's former students shows up. She tells Scott about a book that holds the secret to what is known as Project Halford. Scott finds the book and a videotape that reveals the Army's plan to construct a neural computer network that would communicate directly with the brain. It also reveals that the project spun out of control and that Peter stole vital codes in an attempt to halt the computer's drive to take over the minds of the townspeople. There's enough information there to stop the plan, but who can Scott trust to help him?

Directed by: Charles Winkler Written by: Duncan Kennedy

Starring: D.B. Sweeney, Jessica Steen, Colleen Rennison, Brent Stait, Edward Evanko and Gina Chiarelli

Samstag, 12. August 2006


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

—Henry David Thoreau

Samstag, 15. Juli 2006


Multiple conferences, Kerzenhändler, cybernetic platonism, virtual organizations, communities ....

this all remindes me somewhat on Douglas Adams Bistromatic Drive in the "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy".

It may be the engine driving the world of publishing as well as the engine driving science and world perception in general.

so - lets have a nice summer and get some good pizza !

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006


Züfällig finde ich auf der Suche nach der Tafel bei Google auch noch eine ganz andere irre Geschichte.
Die Geschichte eines Kerzenhändlers von Nils Röller. Wichtig zum Verständnis scheint mir die Hintergrundbeschreibung.

Montag, 29. Mai 2006

Verteilte "virtuelle" Identität

... distributed virtual identity - flickering through electronic
.... we seem to be bound ... to a mirror
... no emotion ... out there ... in the circuits
... just focuses for thoughts ... mapping semantics through our minds
... but deep inside the soft nodes of living receivers
... where soft- and hardware ...
.... become one - body and soul
... where the structure is math and beyond...
... oracle and spirit ... semantics is the bone ...
... is energy ...
... and emotion ... the body ...
... the shaman ... the priest ...
... the universe ...

... the source is inside !

--NooPed 2006


NooPeds bilingual blog .... at the edge of (cyber-)culture

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The field
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there...
NooPed - 10. Dez, 22:47
Die Erkenntnis nach nun längerer Zeit des Forschens:...
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Aus Zeit
Einst saßen am Ufer des Indus 3 alte, langbärtige Hindus. Die...
NooPed - 13. Mai, 00:16
networked world
A web of glass spans the globe. Through it, brief...
NooPed - 21. Mär, 12:59
There should be a blog about the life-cycle of trends....
NooPed - 22. Dez, 23:00





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Poesie und Literatur
shared hallucinations
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